Sliding Gate

If the space occupying the backside of your driveway gate is on a steep incline, a sliding gate is a better option. 

Sliding gates are also very popular in commercial environments. 

Sliding gates can operate with the regular mechanism (two wheels on the ground) and the cantilever mechanism (no wheels and no ground contact). 

The regular sliding gate mechanism needs more attention and cleaning:

1- The wheels and rollers have to be checked and lubricated with grease every 6 months as well as the maintenance of the V-track that is mounted on the ground which must be clean from rust, Ice, and snow before use.

2- Cantilever sliding gates do not touch the driveway ground and they do not need much maintenance. But require 1/3 more space in the back of the driveway to roll into the back when opening.

3- The sliding telescopic gates are a great option if there is not enough space for the gate to slide to the side.

-If you would like to get an estimate for an automatic driveway gate “NOW” click “HERE“.

-If you would like to have a technician on your site,

A: If you have an account with us, send a service request from your customer panel:

B: If you do not have an account with us, please click “HERE” and let us know your availability dates. You will receive a quote with selectable recommended items within a business day, by text message and email.

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